The HR module (previously known as the Personnel module) provides an effective solution to an organisation’s human resource requirements. Decision-making is made credible and harnesses employee management and set objectives. Employee details, recruitment, induction, job objectives, reviews, training, skills, health and safety, career paths, holidays and absences, medical details and accident recording are all catered for, enabling comprehensive personnel administration.
- A diary facility books and tracks employee movements both on and off site
- A user-defined ‘question and-answer’ function, which can be linked to other personnel details such as medical particulars, qualifications and reviews
- A memo pad feature allows extensive and virtually unlimited data entry
- Additional flexibility in accessing, inputting or amending employee records onsite via an intranet, or offsite through internet connectivity is achievable with a Web Portal facility
- Management reporting including graphical analysis, with comprehensive selection criteria and date ranges for flexible period analysis.
- Employee details and induction schedules including job descriptions and inductions, next of kin contacts, training records and requirements, reviews and self-appraisals, qualifications, career and salary history
- Equipment issued for personal protective and company as well as company tools
- Safety reports on dangerous occurrences, Hazards and Risk Assessments, health and safety audit
- Training and skills analysis, matching and certificate printing
- General staff administrative reports such as job details, vacancy and recruitment analysis, reminders, languages, holidays and absence analysis (including Bradford factor), headcounts, birthdays, length of service, staff turnover, Disciplinary and Grievance actions, redundancy
- Automatic letter generator using mail merge
- Employee performance monitoring
- Employee induction procedures
Case Study
Adopting such a sophisticated HR system has been a big step for the company, The Equator system has enabled us to gain complete control over our HR management and this is proving invaluable as the company continues to grow and develop Paul Tarrier, Waymade
- The live site is created. Prior to going live, the final data is loaded and validated. The project team will train the people who will work on the new system to ensure users are ready and prepared to use the new software.