As with any product purchased from any supplier or vendor, aftersales support is one of the key ingredients to a worthwhile experience. It is the same with software, and we are always striving to improve the service we provide to our end users.
There are also some tips in getting the most of any support centre or helpdesk, and I touch upon these below:
- Provide as much information as possible – versions numbers etc. This makes it very easy for previously documented issues to be found if specific product information is provided from the outset.
- Let the helpdesk know as soon as you notice the problem – as it makes troubleshooting much easier when looking at a problem very early on.
- When logging any calls, it’s also worthwhile letting the helpdesk know exactly what has been tried already – this saves valuable time.
- After an issue is resolved, document the issue – what went wrong and what fixed it. That way, you can become self-sufficient.
- Take the time to read any advice and responses thoroughly. Often, if the feedback from the helpdesk doesn’t make sense, it is because the original question was misunderstood.
- Explain to the helpdesk in question whether this is a long-standing issue or whether this is due to new functionality that you are trying out.
Remember, the more information you provide, the more responsive a helpdesk can be.